Un film à impression optique qui implique le spectateur dans les regards fixes de la réalisatrice lesbienne face à ses semblables.
A hand-processed and optically printed film. I manipulate the film process to disrupt viewing expectations on a textual and aesthetic level. This repositions the subject and discourse of gender ambiguity available in the gaze. Specifically, I attempt to interrupt and re-shape the triadic gaze operating between the subject, viewer and filmic apparatus. By shifting the discourse of the gaze, the film implicates viewers in the gazes operating between the lesbian filmmaker and her self-identified butch subjects. (Feb. 2000)
- Année
- 2000
- Nationalité
- Etats-unis
- Durée
- 00:07:00
- Format de projection
- 16mm
Tarif de location pour une projection : 35 €