english version

Glen Miller 1. (THe High School Playground)— un film de Tomislav Gotovac /

Le film est construit d’un seul plan : un travelling circulaire d’un angle de 180 degrés par rapport au sol réalisé avec une lentille à grand angle.
Glen Miller 1. est le film le plus reposant de Gotovac, il invite le spectateur à se relaxer et à observer les scènes tranquillement, plusieurs fragments qui entrent dans le plan, le traversent et s’en vont. Pourtant cette “vision", comme dans son film précédent, n’est pas laissée entièrement à la volonté du spectateur, elle est influencée par les impressions suggestives de la bande-son. On regarde le film comme s’il s’agissait d’un western...

Produced by Centre for Multimedia Research, SC University Zagreb

The whole film consists of one shot: a circular parallel tracking shot with a slow 180 degree pan vertical to the surface of the ground, using wide angle lens.

GLEN MILLER 1. is the most relaxing of Gotovac’s films, it compels the viewer to relax and observe the leisurely scenes, various fragments which come into shot, pass through it and go out of shot again, but this ‘’sightseeing’’ here, as in his other films, is not left to the will of the viewer entirely, it is conditioned by the suggestive impressions of the soundtrack. One watches the film as if it were a Western; the slow track over the playground ‘prairie’, the group of children trying to follow the car from which the film was shot….

The film, like most Gotovac’s films later adapted for screening (on 16mm graded prints) begins with an announcement and the beginning of Glen Miller’s programme recorded from the radio, this runs before the opening credits while the leader is going through the projector.

Format de projection
