english version

Rayban Meltdown— un film de Mane Žuđelović /

Rayban Meltdown est un film-assemblage realisé à partir de fragments de séries télé populaires. En re-composant ces fragments et en intervenant sur leur contenu, l’idée était de modifier leurs intentions en créant une pénurie ou un surplus de sens dans la narration.

Video made in production of Academic Film Center (AFC), Belgrade, as the award to the author for having one of the best films at the previous ALTERNATIVE FILM – VIDEO festival. Rayban Meltdown is film assemblage which consists of group of various fragments from popular TV shows. By composing these fragments and formally intervening in the content, also by making tension between events in sound and visual image and space and also between integral and modified meanings, the idea was to create surpluses or shortages in constituting narrative.

Format de projection
Fichier Quicktime
