english version

In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni— un film de Jorge Cosmen /

Les relations entre deux sujets peuvent revêtir plusieurs formes car ils sont simultanément celui qui observe et l’objet observé. Notre reflet dans le regard de l’autre fait émerger l’identité, la conscience de soi. Mais cette conscience est donnée à travers un miroir comme lien avec l’autre. D’où cette bipôlarité du subjectif, toujours connecté à l’autre, aux autres, mais également le revers du processus : la perte de l’identité, la dissolution de la conscience dans l’autre, dans le jeu infini des regards et miroirs représentés par la figure antique des deux amoureux.
Le couple erre, dans un tourbillon dont la ligne de fuite constante est le regard de l’autre, essayant de réétablir leur propre subjectivité dans un cercle infini qui ne s’achèvera que par la tonalité croissante jusqu’à l’épuisement de l’image. Une fois consumés par le feu (métaphoriquement) ils peuvent enfin refermer leurs yeux, pour reposer le regard et le faire disparaître.

The film camera, according to Levinson, is a machine to transform the time in space and viceversa. Reduced to its most simple mechanism it reveals to itself as the finding -not so obvious at that moment, to depict the reality through a sampling of any moments or temporal cuts/sections, of sequential and consecutive images which conforms fragments of reality.
This piece, with the same title that de 70's film by Guy Debord and exclusively made by photographies, reveals on an indirect way the engine whose axis, in this case, is the relationship between the observer and the observed from several angles. These relationships between two subjects can adopt a few forms because they simultaneously owns the ambivalence of the observer subject and the observed object. Each subjective image of the observed haves its compensation from the other side as objectivized image from another consciousness.
The current version is for a single screen; the original is to be screened onto two opposite screens in a space in a spatial montage rather a temporal edition.
The key is our essential reflection in the pupil of the other makes to emerge the identity, the consciousness of oneself. But this consciousness is given through the mirror-like liaison with the other one. Therefore that bipolarity of the subjective, always connecting with the other, with the others.
Therefore, as continuum and second layer of meaning, the other side of the process: the lost of the identity, the dissolve of the consciousness inside the other, in the infinite game of gazes and mirrors that it is well represented by the ancient figure of the two lovers.
In its development the work is composed by linear sequences, circular sequences and symmetrical structure until a palindrome is completed. The couple wanders, as the title says so, in an endless manner, inside a vortex whose constant vanishing point is the gaze of the other, trying to reestablish their own subjectivity in an endless circle which only will finish with the increasing tone up to the exhaustion of the image when they are consumed by the fire (metaphorical), and can at last close their eyes again, to rest the gaze and to do theirselves to dissapear.

Format de projection
Fichier Quicktime
Tarif de location pour une projection : 40 €

In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni

Jorge Cosmen
Fichier Quicktime · 00:09:00
Espagne — 2003
