La société a toujours eu des marginaux. Il y a toujours eu des individus pas si contents de ce que la société leur avait réservé, ni résignés à vivre ce que le monde leur offrait. Lola est l’une d’entre eux. A son jeune âge elle a réalisé le pouvoir d’internet et a quitté l’école. Elle a entrepris de gérer se blog fabuleux en y postant une multitudes d’idées, des photos, des vidéos, dont la majorité était de sa propre production. Son Tumblr est l’expression de tout ce qu’elle pense de ce monde, avec la plupart du temps des idées qui n’ont rien d’orthodoxe, sur sa jeunesse, ses sentiments, le féminisme, la musique, etc. Son blog est non seulement un outil d’exposition, mais c’est surtout une forme d’art à part entière. Ce film est le portrait de Lola.
Society always had outsiders. In the past you could met someone not so happy with what society had set up for them, people not so resigned with what life gives them. Lola is one of them. At a young age she realised that she could be stronger on the internet and that she didn’t need to follow the classic path. Then, after she quitted school and faced some problems in real life, she was leading this crazy blog with great ideas, pictures, music, videos and quotes most of them created by her. She used Tumblr not only as an exposure tool, but as an artform itself. She made this virtual art feel really authentic even if its not so orthodox in any way. Her desire to take over the internet using whatever she could get on her hands to communicate how she feels about everything in this world, remainder me of classic artists that worked in different areas. When I found her on Tumblr I got really attracted to her world and not so long after I realised there are many kids like her, but each one of them a bit different from another. She was, together with some of her friends, reclaiming to be hear, because their vision on youth, music, feelings, feminism, etc… need to be hear by an old generation that might never thought on whats going on today with them. So I will like to think that "6 Lola 6" is somehow portraying this new generation of young internet artist that struggle to make their voice rise over the, sometimes disappointing, real life.
- Année
- 2014
- Nationalité
- Espagne
- Durée
- 00:14:00
- Format de projection
- Fichier Quicktime