Cohesive Disorder est une métaphore narrative sur les conditions humaines et l’emprise du pouvoir et des religions.
Les mains et les serviettes, au centre de l’oeuvre, apportent confort et sécurité aux personnages, alors que ces derniers sont dépossédés d’eux-mêmes, de leur corps et de leurs actions. Comme dans toute oeuvre métaphorique, des codes permettent au spectateur de tirer ses propres conclusions.
This video is one of a series of 3 videos in which the hands and the napkins are the principal components. They are metaphorical looks at the roles of religion and political powers; it tries to make a puzzle for the audience, yet also providing some clues. The hands and the napkins help the characters feel secure and comfortable, precisely at the time that they are getting drained, losing control of their own bodies and actions. Nonetheless, as with every metaphorical work, these codes are given to the spectator to make his/her own conclusion, and come to terms with an outcome, finding a unique individual meaning."
- Année
- 2014
- Nationalité
- Canada
- Durée
- 00:07:39
- Format de projection
- Fichier Quicktime