Facial Weaponization Suite sʻélève contre les technologies biométriques de reconnaissance faciale – et les inégalités propagées par celles-ci – en fabriquant des « masques collectifs » à lʼoccasion dʼateliers communautaires. Ces masques sont modelés à partir dʼune agglomération des données faciales collectées auprès des participants, produisant des masques amorphes qui ne peuvent plus êtres détectés comme des visages humains par ces technologies biométriques.
Facial Weaponization Suite protests against biometric facial recognition–and the inequalities these technologies propagate–by making “collective masks” in workshops that are modeled from the aggregated facial data of participants, resulting in amorphous masks that cannot be detected as human faces by biometric facial recognition technologies. The masks are used for public interventions and performances. One mask, the Fag Face Mask, generated from the biometric facial data of many queer men’s faces, is a response to scientific studies that link determining sexual orientation through rapid facial recognition techniques. Another mask explores a tripartite conception of blackness: the inability of biometric technologies to detect dark skin as racist, the favoring of black in militant aesthetics, and black as that which informatically obfuscates. A third mask engages feminism’s relations to concealment and imperceptibility, taking veil legislation in France as a troubling site that oppressively forces visibility. A fourth mask considers biometrics’ deployment as a security technology at the Mexico-US border and the nationalist violence it instigates. These masks intersect with social movements’ use of masking as an opaque tool of collective transformation that refuses dominant forms of political representation. Thèmes : Computer-generated , politics and protest, Queer, Technology, Urban, What’s your Flavor? LGBTIQ experimental films
- Année
- 2014
- Nationalité
- Etats-unis
- Durée
- 00:08:10
- Format de projection
- Fichier Quicktime