« Justin Bieber était un beau petit garçon. Un enfant parfait et talentueux. Un joli visage et un bon cœur. De ceux qui visitent les enfants mourants sur leur lit dʼhôpital. Ce genre de mec – je
veux dire, dʼenfant. Un être asexué. A cause de son âge, Bieber pouvait partager beaucoup dʼattributs avec les femmes sans que ce soit une mauvaise chose. Lʼimage publique des femmes a été infantilisée pendant des décennies – les femmes et les enfants dʼabord. […] personne ne savait ce que serait le futur de Justin. Pourrait-il continuer sa carrière de choriste? Ou à la place, deviendrait-il le chef de chœur frustré et désenchanté dʼune église de quartier ? »
Justin Bieber was a beautiful boy. He was a perfect, talented child. A pretty face and a kind heart. The kind who visits children in their hospital deathbeds. That kind of guy—I mean, child. An asexual being.
Because of his age, Bieber could share many attributes with women without it being a bad thing. Women’s public image has been infantilized for decades- women and children first. Baby-faced Leonardo only truly gendered himself as male after deciding to drown in the freezing waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Justin Bieber was cute, and that’s okay. That was okay. He was young, he hadn’t been through puberty yet. It was okay. Baby face, pretty face, doll face, golden heart, America’s sweetheart. Damn those long eyelashes...and that honey-colored hair! I wonder how many people didn’t want him to grow up. Like choir boys turning into rough men with ugly voices; no one knew what Justin’s future would bring. Would he be able to continue his choral career? Or instead, would he become a frustrated and delusional community church choir director? Thèmes : Art and Artists, Humour, Music, portrait, What’s your Flavor? LGBTIQ experimental films
- Année
- 2014
- Nationalité
- Argentine
- Durée
- 00:16:20
- Format de projection
- Fichier Quicktime