english version

At Land— un film de Maya Deren /

At Land investit l'idée du temps et de l'espace du 19ème siècle. Bien que ce film ne réussisse pas totalement à remplacer les conventions littéraires et le sens symbolique par des moyens spécifiquement filmiques, il est bien plus avancé comme film expérimental que les deux précédents (Meshes of the Afternoon, Witch's Cradle).
Des séquences telles que celle des dunes, où la caméra est arrêtée afin que le personnage parcourt une grande distance avant d'être refilmé (alors que le résultat propose un continu), produisent une diminution de la taille du personnage et procurent un fort impact émotionnel qui n'aurait pu être traduit cinématographiquement d'aucune autre manière. On pourrait en dire autant de la technique répétée consistant à relier deux lieux différents au moyen des mouvements continus d'un personnage. De même dans la dernière séquence où elle court à travers des temps déjà déroulés ou qui continuent de s'écouler.

At Land is another of Maya Deren's dream like films. The message which it transmits to and its main subject rests on the idea of the mutability of a personality. Maya said once that this film was made to show people the struggle to maintain the personal identity. The whole film has only 15 minutes, in which a whole life is subjectively described. It was made in the year of 1944, and Deren was the one who wrote, directed and played,the featured role in it, just like in her first movie Meshes of the Afternoon. Maya Deren is laying on the sand, and the ocean's waves are coming and going like if she had been spelled from it. This symbolic birth from the sea was particularly chosen to make us think of the role of education. She came from the sea, different from all the others who had influences and rules to follow since were born. Having the chance to find out by herself who she is and what she is doing there at that specific moment, like in a natural way Maya would say, make her run. The film is all about her world exploration, her curiosity to discover what is in there, criticizing the society at that time which was not curious to know if there was any truth besides television or Hollywood. At the end, she chooses to go back to the sea after her incessant odyssey at land to find an identity. Thèmes : Body, Suitable for children

Format de projection
Tarif de location pour une projection : 50 €

At Land

Maya Deren
16mm · 00:16:00
Etats-unis — 1944
