english version

Where is my body?— un film de Julian Pedraza /

Depuis les années 1980, les programmes télévisuels en Amérique latine ont été dominés par les telenovelas qui représentent, pour le spectateur lambda, une vie idéale dans laquelle les relations sentimentales aboutissent à des fins heureuses tandis que les personnages antagonistes paient pour leurs méfaits. Comment ce format télévisuel a-t-il vraiment influencé la perception de notre identité et des rôles que les hommes et les femmes jouent dans la vie réelle ?

How has television influenced the formation of our individual and collective identity? Are television melodramas actually the antithesis of sentimental education? The true mediatic moral is revealed here, in a countercultural zapping that simultaneously weaves and breaks the canons and clichés that prevail in our society, where it is still difficult to find a space for diversity.

Since the 80's, television programs in Latin America have been dominated by telenovelas, an audiovisual format that represents, for the average viewer, an ideal life in which sentimental relationships have happy endings and antagonistic characters pay for their misdeeds. But how has this television format really influenced the perception of our identity? And the roles that men and women play in real life? This audiovisual remix tries to unveil the dogma intrinsic to the television melodrama and to that mediatic morality where many clichés take a clear form, spreading virally in societies that question little or nothing about the information that the world of entertainment imposes on them.
Thèmes : found footage, Queer

Espagne Colombienne
Format de projection
Fichier Quicktime
Tarif de location pour une projection : 30 €
