english version

Those Who Do Not Remember The Past Are Condemned To Repeat It— un film de Yun Ting Lo /

Those Who Do Not Remember The Past Are Condemned To Repeat It est un documentaire expérimental qui étudie les passages entre le suicide collectif du Temple du Peuple à Jonestown, et le jeu d’horreur à la première personne Outlast 2 développé par Red Barrel. Réalisé à partir des archives du FBI et de machinimas.

Those Who Do Not Remember The Past Are Condemned To Repeat It (2020) is an experimental documentary investigating the intersection of People's Temple (Jonestown) and the first-person survival horror game Outlast 2 developed by Red Barrel. Departing as the digital study of the game, this project attempts to recontextualize the relationship between the mass suicide of People's Temple in 1978 and the game's narrative. Composed by the archival materials from FBI and machinima made with the game, this work conveys uncanny audio and visual journey in the understanding the self-destruction, the religious utopia, the binary between capitalism and socialism. Thèmes : Documentary, found footage

Format de projection
Fichier Quicktime
Tarif de location pour une projection : 78 €
