Film de found footage réalisé à partir de In the mood for love de Wong Kar-waï.
For Xavier Baert, the immediate purpose of this film is to explore and experiment with the superimposition techniques in filmmaking. But his recycling of the trailer of In the mood for love is a groundbreaking event in the history of recycling found footage, which is the dominant trend in the experimental field now. For the first time, the purpose of recycling is not to fetishize, destroy, or analyse the matrix mould (as Joseph Cornell’s Rose Hobbart, Kirk Tougas’s The Politics of perception, and Ken Jacobs’s Tom Tom the pipers’s son respectively does). With Révélation we see a film revisit another film passionately to console its characters. (…) In this sense, Révélation is the acting of a pure passion». Nicole Brenez, conférence The Secrets of movement, Hong Kong, 2003
Translation: Louise Jablonowska Thèmes : found footage
- Année
- 2001
- Nationalité
- France
- Durée
- 00:06:00
- Format de projection
- Fichier Quicktime
Tarif de location pour une projection : 30 €