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Tinne Zenner

Tinne Zenner, née en 1986 au Danemark, est une artiste et une cinéaste vivant à Copenhague. Elle est diplômée de la Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. Travaillant avec de la pellicule, des animations 3d et des installations, son travail explore les structures matérielles au sein desquelles des couches d’histoire, de politique, et de mémoire collective, sont enchâssées.
Son travail a été montré dans de nombreux festivals internationaux, dont Ann Arbor Film Festival, Projections at New York Film Festival, CPH:DOX, Courtisane, Image Forum Tokyo and EXiS in South Korea, et a été exposé au Reykjavik Art Museum, Nuuk Art Museum, Gothenburg Kunsthal et aussi au Overgaden - Institute of Contemporary Art, Kunsthal Charlottenborg and Fotografisk Center in Copenhagen.

Tinne Zenner (1986, Denmark) is a visual artist and filmmaker based in Copenhagen. She holds an MFA from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. Working with analogue film, 3D-animation and spatial installation, her work explores the physical structures, in which layers of history, politics and collective memory are embedded.
Her work has been shown at a number of international film festivals including Ann Arbor Film Festival, Projections at New York Film Festival, CPH:DOX, Courtisane, Image Forum Tokyo and EXiS in South Korea, and exhibited internationally at Reykjavik Art Museum, Nuuk Art Museum, Gothenburg Kunsthal as well as Overgaden - Institute of Contemporary Art, Kunsthal Charlottenborg and Fotografisk Center in Copenhagen.
Zenner is a co-founder and member of Sharna Pax, a film collective based in London and Copenhagen working between the fields of anthropology, documentary and visual arts.

Année de naissance : 1986

Nationalité :


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