Calypso Debrot
Calypso Debrot déploie un travail et une recherche artistique polymorphe. Entre cinéma expérimental, performances et installations, elle aborde la question de la transmission des savoirs et savoir-faire au travers des âges.
L'image en mouvement, très présente sous la forme de documentaires, de journaux filmés, de films expérimentaux ou encore d'installations-vidéo est bien souvent le médium par lequel tout s'articule et prend sens.
site internet :
Through my artistic practice, I like to meet with reality in the way it’s fluctuant, porous and unstable. I try to design my projects without any scientific spirit, preferring as guides and frameworks the chance and the intuition, the rumor or the myth ...The process of humanization and the ritual act are often the basis of my questions. The process of humanization is what we take generation after generation of distance from other primates, the ritual act seems to be one of the key points of this process of humanization. Especially as the rite defines societies, inserts the individual. My pieces come from these questions, they take plastic forms appearing as video, film, installation or performance. Yet, they are above all the material or physical concretisation of sensitive experiences.
website :
Année de naissance : 1990
Nationalité : France