Jesse McLean
Jesse Mclean est une artiste multimédia dont la recherche est motivée par une profonde curiosité pour le comportement et les relations des individus. Cela concerne autant la puissance que l’échec de l’expérience médiatique qui tente de rassembler les gens. Elle a présenté son travail dans des musées, galeries et festivals à travers le monde.
Jesse McLean is a media artist whose research is motivated by a deep curiosity about human behavior and relationships, and is concerned with both the power and the failure of the mediated experience to bring people together. She has presented her work at museums, galleries, and film festivals worldwide. She was the recipient of a Jury Prize (First Prize) in the International Competition at the 2013 Videoex Festival, Zürich, Switzerland, received the Ghostly Award for Best Sound Design at the 2012 Ann Arbor Film Festival, and the Overkill Award at the 2011 Images Festival and the Barbara Aronofsky Latham Award for Emerging Experimental Video Artist at the 2010 Ann Arbor Film Festival.
Année de naissance : 1975
Nationalité : Américaine