english version

Peter Miller

Né aux États-Unis, il vit et travaille à Europe. Diplômé des Beaux-Arts de Chicago, son travail sur le film et la photographie porte l'empreinte de la magie et investigue généralement la question phénoménologique du cinéma et ses constituants irréductibles : l'objectif, la lumière, le clignotement, le public, la projection, etc.

Peter MILLER is an artist living and making work in Europe. He took his MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, is originally from Vermont and apprenticed to be a silversmith. His films are distributed by Lightcone and are in the collection of the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. His film and photographic work is preoccupied with magic and generally investigates the phenomena of the cinema and its constituent, irreducible elements: lens, light, flicker, audience, projection, etc.

Année de naissance :

Nationalité : indisponible


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