english version

Helene Garberg

Helene Garberg a étudié les arts visuels et obtenu son master au Goldsmiths College de Londres. Elle vit et travaille actuellement à Copenhagen.

With a background in fine art, Helene Garberg explores questions concerning the nature of the image, time and virtuality. Her works combine textual references with both moving and still image, seeking to re-establish these as experience in time. Through classic and ad hoc techniques of assemblage, re-animation and manipulation, images are simultaneously proposed as object / world and attention diverted to experience itself; duration as a sensuous material or consciousness as a state of flux where image-worlds momentarily materialize. Textual references at work further plays out such possibilities by proposing reflexive scenarios as, for instance, that of 'being caught between images'.

Born in 1983, Helene Garberg has studied Fine Art (BFA) and Art Theory (MA), both from Goldsmiths College, University of London. She currently lives and works in Copenhagen.

Année de naissance : 1983

Nationalité : indisponible


Titre Image Chromie Son Durée Année Ref CJC
Between images III (Laura and the black crystal suns) Fichier Quicktime Silencieux 00:09:47 2011 11-075
Interim Fichier Quicktime Coul./N&B Sonore 00:12:50 2013 13-002
Chicxulub - Tierra Extraterrestre Fichier Quicktime Couleur Sonore 00:06:30 2013 13-048
Ernesto and the Witches of Naica Fichier Quicktime N&B Sonore 00:10:00 2014 14-010