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AccueilAgenda CJCSéances


The regular screenings of Collectif Jeune Cinema seek to create moments of exchange and reflection on practices and the modes of representation of experimental and different cinema. Eclectic filmmaking of large amplitudes, structural cinema, engaged filmmaking, esthetic, philosophical and poetic issues, formal conflicts and militant, political and essential views, these are the main goals of our programs. What we want to show is the diversity of filmmaking constantly researching. From single-screen to expanded cinema, from film to digital, from monographs to films over 12 hours long, themes touching upon visual or with visual or carnal motives, real or fantastic geographical territories, from cartes blanches to new submissions by the members of our distribution cooperative : this explosion of forms and emergence at the heart of works of filmmakers, video and performance artists that we look forward to, with fun and enthusiasm, to offer to a general public through out the year at the cinema Grand Action (Paris 5th).

Laurence Rebouillon


Cinémathèque Temporaire du CJC ✹ #26

le 24/09/2021 à 19h00

In 2021, the Collectif Jeune Cinéma celebrates its half-century of existence. To celebrate it, we invited ourselves in residence at Mains d'Oeuvres (Saint-Ouen) in order to set up the Collectif Jeune Cinéma's Temporary Cinémathèque. More than a third of our catalog will be screened there, at the rate of one screening per week every Friday, and one full Saturday per month. There will be almost 80 screenings in all, with films from 2020 to 1943.

Films will be shown in reverse chronological order, according to their production date. Members of the CJC, all filmmakers, will welcome you in this space that we hope will be open to all : that's why the entrance fee is pay-what-you-want. 


At the end of each screening, there will be a discussion in the cinema or at the bar of Mains d'Oeuvres.


Program #26 (78')



Mains d’Œuvres, 1 Rue Charles Garnier, 93400 Saint-Ouen (métro 4, 13, 14, bus 85)

Salle Star Trek (2nd floor)


Doors open at 18h30 / screening at 19h


Programme :

  • Light / Sound (2010)
    de Vicky Langan, Maximilian Le Cain
  • Etrange Etranger (2010)
    de Jean-Philippe Dauphin
  • Trinkler (2010)
    de Marie-Catherine Theiler
  • La Femme au lys rouge (2009)
    de Frédéric Fenollabbate
  • Notturno (2009)
    de Mauro Santini
  • Nothing to fear but nothing itself (2009)
    de Salise Hughes
  • Filmmembrana (2008)
    de Maurizio Mercuri
  • Hallo Papi (2009)
    de Salma Cheddadi
  • Ville Marie (2009)
    de Alexandre Larose
  • Date : 24/09/2021

    Lieu : Salle Star Trek, Mains d'OEuvres (1 rue Charles Garnier, 93400 Saint-Ouen)

    Ressources audiovisuelles
